What is the purpose of your study?
The study seeks to explore primary health care professionals’ perspective on the identification, evaluation, and management of pediatric autism spectrum disorder (ASD) utilizing the Reasoned Action Approach (RAA).
Why should individuals participate in your study?
Participants will make valuable contributions to the understanding of autism spectrum disorder practice in the United States. The study’s findings on participants’ beliefs, intentions, actual control, and their practice behaviors will help inform future autism spectrum disorder research and clinical practice.
Who is eligible to participate in your study?
Eligible participants are U.S. primary health care professionals who care for pediatric patients. We are seeking physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to participate in our study.
What does being a study participant entail?
Study participants will be asked to complete a one-time anonymous online survey on the Qualtrics platform. The anticipated time to complete the survey is 15 minutes. The study can be completed on a desktop computer, a mobile phone, or a tablet.
I am not eligible to participate, but I am an autism spectrum disorder stakeholder or ally. How can I help?
Our success depends on the grassroots efforts of the autism community! Even if you are not eligible for to participate in this study, you can help improve the outcomes of those with autism spectrum disorder by spreading the word about our study! Please feel free to share our study recruitment materials or website information.
Are there any risks or benefits to participating in the study?
Risks to participants are deemed to be minimal. Risks include the potential for fatigue, loss of time, and discomfort related to reflection on your current clinical practice. Benefits include the ability to inform future autism spectrum disorder research and practice.
How are you recruiting study participants?
We are utilizing non-probability snowball sampling via social media. This means that we rely on word-of-mouth referrals, the reach of social media, and the assistance of autism stakeholders to recruit study participants.
Are study participants being compensated for their participation?
Participants will not be compensated. It is unethical to compensate participants recruited via the snowball sampling method.
How many participants are you seeking to enroll into your study?
We are seeking to conduct a nationwide exploration of primary care health care professionals’ practices related to autism spectrum disorder. We would appreciate the input of all eligible parties to ensure our study is able to draw accurate conclusions.
How do I join your study?
Can I leave your study at any time?
Yes, study participation is voluntary. You may leave the online survey at any time without penalty. No one will know your identity or whether you elected to participate.
Who do I contact if I have more questions about the study?
For additional study information, please contact the Principal Investigator, Kimberly Manges. She can be reached via email at kjmanges@uark.edu.
Who do I contact for Institutional Review Board questions about this study?
Please contact Ro Windwalker, the IRB Coordinator at the University of Arkansas. She can be reached via phone at 479-575-2208 or via email at irb@uark.edu. Please reference the study “Primary Health Care Professionals’ Perspectives on the Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder.” The IRB protocol number is 2011296807.